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Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

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  • #16
    Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

    Fair enough, Custom or Custom 5...
    Jackson Dominion Bourbon Burst-Duncan '59 bridge, Screamin' Demon neck
    Jackson Dominion Wine Drunk-Super Distortion bridge, Custom Custom neck (don't hit me!)
    Dean Chicago Flame V Classic Black-Dimarzio Super Distortion neck & bridge
    Laney, Peavey, Marshall...


    • #17
      Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

      Originally posted by jon the art guy View Post
      I could have sworn this was a Seymour Duncan forum and he asked for Seymour Duncan suggestions. Come on, guys.
      Well, it doesn't have to be, but it would help a lot if it were a Seymour Duncan or Dimarzio or Gibson pickup, because they are relatively inexpensive, can be bought anywhere and there are reviews all over the web. After all, this is just a backup guitar, so I'm not going to risk buying expensive 'boutique' pickups. I do want to get close to the sound of the other guitar though, so EMG 85 might not be what I'm after.

      Originally posted by soulforger View Post
      Fair enough, Custom or Custom 5...
      The Duncan Custom might be a good idea. I have an A8 and A5 magnet in my drawer from when I changed magnets on a P90 pickup, so I can always make it a C5 or C8 if I want to. Now that I'm thinking about it, what about a good old 498t? Or would that be too light in the bass department and scratchy?


      • #18
        Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

        Alt 8 sounds about right to me.


        • #19
          Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

          Originally posted by jon the art guy View Post
          I could have sworn this was a Seymour Duncan forum and he asked for Seymour Duncan suggestions. Come on, guys.

          Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
          Who cares that it's a Duncan forum? All pickups are discussed

          I would go, in this order, C8, Alt8, Custom.

          I love the Super Distortion but it seems you already have experience with it


          • #20
            Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

            Originally posted by Inder_Cine_Mann View Post
            I love the Super Distortion but it seems you already have experience with it
            I love it too, but it's in another guitar for another project. For this project, I want to come as close as I can to the Yamaha. And as great as the Super Distortion may be, it still sounds different in the fact that it has more mids and sounds kinda fuzzy, where I need a more clear sound. It's closer to the sound I want then the EMG though, but I'm hoping to come even closer.

            I'm a little surprised with the A8 recommendations, because I thought that A8 pickups typically boost the mids, where in this case I need the mids to be slightly recessed and open.


            • #21
              Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

              I thought of the Dimarzios first for one, because you mentioned you had a Dimarzio Bluesbucker for the neck, and two, because I figure it likely that Yamaha, at that time in the '70's, would have been influenced by either Gibson or Dimarzio when they designed the humbuckers for the SGs, also that they might be somewhat PAF voiced, and you mentioned they have s pretty strong output. I love Seymours and Dimarzios, and don't have preference other than which sound I'd like in which guitar, so, based on what was desired soundwise, I just thought of things I've tried that to me, sound like what you're looking for. I certainly dont mean to disrespect Seymour Duncan by suggesting Dimarzios...also, I do think the Gibson 498T would definitely be a good pup to try as well. Good luck and have fun exploring the options!
              Last edited by soulforger; 12-24-2013, 08:10 PM.
              Jackson Dominion Bourbon Burst-Duncan '59 bridge, Screamin' Demon neck
              Jackson Dominion Wine Drunk-Super Distortion bridge, Custom Custom neck (don't hit me!)
              Dean Chicago Flame V Classic Black-Dimarzio Super Distortion neck & bridge
              Laney, Peavey, Marshall...


              • #22
                Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                Thanks! I don't think Seymour will take it as disrespectful if you suggest Dimarzio's. I appreciate that you took the time to suggest something that you thought would work, Duncan or otherwise.

                You are probably right about the pickups on the Yamaha being inspired by either Gibson or Dimarzio, but the construction also plays a part in the sound. It is really heavy, neck through and has a brass sustain block under the bridge. This makes it thick and clear sounding at the same time and means that simply using the same pickups in my LTD will not work.

                Here is a comparison between an SG2000 and a Les Paul: Skip to 3:00 for the high gain bridge sound. Notice that the Yamaha sounds clearer, thicker, more even, has higher output and sustain better than the Les Paul, which sounds more crunchy, dynamic and 'classic'. So compared to the Gibson pickups of that time I'm probably looking for something with more output, more bass, not as honky in the high mids, a little fuller in the low mids and a little clearer in the highs.


                • #23
                  Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                  Originally posted by Fuhgawz View Post
                  I love it too, but it's in another guitar for another project. For this project, I want to come as close as I can to the Yamaha. And as great as the Super Distortion may be, it still sounds different in the fact that it has more mids and sounds kinda fuzzy, where I need a more clear sound. It's closer to the sound I want then the EMG though, but I'm hoping to come even closer.

                  I'm a little surprised with the A8 recommendations, because I thought that A8 pickups typically boost the mids, where in this case I need the mids to be slightly recessed and open.
                  A8 boosts mids a lot compared to some other popular alnico, its what people notice with that specific swap, hence thar popular perception

                  ...what A8 -really- boosts is across the board output. +71% over A5 was an often quoted number and sounds about right. They first implemented it to get a PAF wind to output like a Super Distortion (and hence, in the same ballpark as the not-yet-invented Invader, JB, etc). But, since pup height affects that too, people looking to change EQ response can use it too, just setting it lower
                  "New stuff always sucks" -Me


                  • #24
                    Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                    Okay, one last shot:

                    I need a pickup that would be considered 'vintage hot' or 'medium output' nowadays.
                    I need it to sound clear, not crunchy or fuzzy. I needs to handle drop tunings.

                    Compared to:
                    EMG81: More bass and low mids, a little less hard sounding highs.
                    Super Distortion: Less lower mids, more and clearer highs.
                    PAF: More bass and less scoop in the (low) mids, less honky high mids.

                    Probably something not too far from this:
                    Low: 7
                    Bass: 7
                    Lo mids: 6
                    Mids: 5
                    Hi mids: 6/7
                    Treble: 8
                    High: 8

                    I'm probably asking a lot here, but hey, it doesn't hurt to ask. If nobody has any new suggestions, I'm just going to try the Custom SH5 and see how close that will get me. If it doesn't get close enough, then you will hear from me again in a few weeks.
                    Last edited by Fuhgawz; 12-26-2013, 03:45 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                      That sounds more like a Wilde Bill Lawrence L500L.


                      • #26
                        Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                        Originally posted by Fuhgawz View Post
                        Okay, one last shot:

                        I need a pickup that would be considered 'vintage hot' or 'medium output' nowadays.
                        I need it to sound clear, not crunchy or fuzzy. I needs to handle drop tunings.

                        Compared to:
                        EMG81: More bass and low mids, a little less hard sounding highs.
                        Super Distortion: Less lower mids, more and clearer highs.
                        PAF: More bass and less scoop in the (low) mids, less honky high mids.

                        Probably something not too far from this:
                        Low: 7
                        Bass: 7
                        Lo mids: 6
                        Mids: 5
                        Hi mids: 6/7
                        Treble: 8
                        High: 8

                        I'm probably asking a lot here, but hey, it doesn't hurt to ask. If nobody has any new suggestions, I'm just going to try the Custom SH5 and see how close that will get me. If it doesn't get close enough, then you will hear from me again in a few weeks.
                        PAF, midscooped? I'd blame your amp
                        "New stuff always sucks" -Me


                        • #27
                          Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                          Originally posted by Adieu View Post
                          PAF, midscooped? I'd blame your amp
                          Come on man, you don't even know my amp. PAF type pickup can absolutely have scooped mids! They can sound honky in the higher mids, but have a dip below that. Also, those descriptions were comparative.


                          • #28
                            Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                            I think a Steve's Special might be just what the doctor ordered in your Yamaha....I think the XL500 or the Dimarzio Crunchlab could be good fits for you also, what amp are you using???


                            • #29
                              Re: Replacing EMG81 with passive, need: bigger bass, less (high) mids, clearer highs.

                              Thanks for the recommendations! Actually, the pickup is for in an LTD Eclipse to make it sound more like the Yamaha. I play post-metal and doom in an Orange OR120. The Yamaha is perfect. It's big and heavy sounding, sustains forever during the really slow parts and it still retains its clarity under low tunings.

                              Now I just need to make the LTD sound more like the Yamaha, which might be hard because it has a thinner body, a rosewood fretboard instead of ebony and a set neck instead of neck through construction. I am certain though that I can get a lot closer than with the EMG's that are in there now.

