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Time to try something else...

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  • Time to try something else...

    I have a a PRS SE245 that I just love. Ive been trying different pickups for a bit now. Currently I have a pair of Pearly Gates in it. The bridge pup has been modded with an A8 mag swap.
    This has gotten me pretty close to what to Im looking for, BUT, Im finding the bridge a bit fizzy in the high end and lacking a bit of power. I want something fairly high output with a big honking midrange, with enough highs and tight bass to keep from being muddy. Something with a bit more of that "vowel sound". Hope that makes sense.
    The closest Ive found is in my SE Single cut and thats Carvin S22, I found them cheap at a local store and they surprised me. The only Carvins pickups I really like.

    I've tried Tonezone, covered and uncovered. But they have a bit too much bass for me. JBs are cool, but the mids seem focus in a higher frequency than Im wanting. I use a variety of tube amps and usually use a Mi Audio Crunchbox and a Boutique hotrodded clone of the same.
    Sorry for being long winded, hope I not put yall to sleep. Lol.

  • #2
    Re: Time to try something else...

    What other pickups have you tried? Have you tried adjusting the pole pieces? They can really pull that "vowel" quality out of some pickups with a bit of adjustment.

    Regardless, you clearly need something throatier and "hot" that still has some presence up top. I'd lean toward the regular Custom or the classic Super Distortion!

    The Tone Zone is obviously too low-mids focused and you said the JB was too high. That tells me you want more mid push, but still a little bit of that scoop to accentuate the vowel sound. Some pickups are naturally very "vowel-y", like the PAF Pro and FRED, but the Super D and Custom do it pretty well and probably have more of the voicing you're after.


    • #3
      Re: Time to try something else...

      Vowel sound just makes me think of a cocked wah... Have you tried the "Kirk Hammett" EMG 81 -> Crybaby -> Amp?

      I really think for that sound that just kind of "awww"s then you'll need something like that. I can also see the custom shop EVH, warren demartini pickup, and even the 12k perpetual burn humbuckers doing what you want, if by "what you want" you mean but they'd be different than the dimarzio sounds you might be after.
      Originally posted by ImmortalSix
      I wouldn't pay more than $300 for a BJ.


      • #4
        Re: Time to try something else...

        You want the Custom.


        • #5
          Re: Time to try something else...

          Ill definitely give the Custom a try. Thanks Masta C. Jimijames, I see what youre saying about the wah, but its not really that extreme.


          • #6
            Re: Time to try something else...

            Custom, maybe Alt 8.

            If you still have that Tone Zone and it's uncovered and F-Spaced, shoot me a PM.

            Director of Arizona Young Voters Initiative




            • #7
              Re: Time to try something else...

              You want the Custom Custom or if you have the cash the 78 model from the Custom shop.
              Originally posted by KBliss
              WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Make sure you spend more time playing than you do on this forum. That's our sickness.
              Originally posted by trevorus
              The revolutionaries become the bureaucrats the day after the revolution is over...


              • #8
                Re: Time to try something else...

                The 78 may have the tone but the output is way to low for me. The Custom custom may work. But not sure about the "spongier" bass.


                • #9
                  Re: Time to try something else...

                  Keep it simple...start with the regular Custom. I'd be really surprised if that didn't get you where you want to be, but, if you end up not liking it, you can make it a "Custom Custom", "Custom 5" or "Custom 8" with a simple (and cheap) mag swap to A2, A5, A8, etc.


                  • #10
                    Re: Time to try something else...

                    Good advice. Ive got a line on a Custom with A8.

