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Custom Shop Order Arrived Today

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  • Custom Shop Order Arrived Today

    I ordered this set the week of Thanksgiving, and they showed up unexpectedly today. That is killer turn time for the Custom Shop, especially this time of year; and with COVID. I ordered a set of Custom Shop Pearly Gates humbuckers, unpotted, aged bobbins, covers, hardware, everything. Really nice set. Looks exactly like I asked the set to be made.

    One small issue. I asked for no wax potting on this set. There wasn’t much, but I noticed a slight layer of wax sheen between the adjustable screw posts that come through the baseplate. Enough to scrape up with my fingernail. So I removed one of the brass Phillips screws from the baseplate. Wax in the threads and wax under the screw head between the baseplate. It’s not a ton of wax, like the set was “lightly” potted, but that’s not the point.

    I know the Custom Shop will make it right, I’m not worried about that. I just got so stoked to install and hear these in my guitar project that has been waiting for these when they arrived early, and now that bubble is burst.
    Last edited by Leon Of Late; 12-15-2020, 05:28 PM.
    Play more guitar.

  • #2
    Is the potting really a deal breaker? I doubt they would sound too much different, just be susceptable to feedback - if that was the goal and you were depending on that characteristic, send them back. But if I had CS PGs with aged parts land, I'd just install and use them. I know from at least 4-5 guys on here how good they sound, in a variety of guitars through a variety of amps.


    • #3
      I may just wire them up an play them until I hear from the Custom Shop and/or they make my new set. They are not dripping in wax, it’s very light, I’m just disappointed that it’s there given the cost and what I specifically ordered. I have absolutely no doubt they are going to sound fantastic, No question at all.
      Play more guitar.


      • #4
        Yeah, that's a bummer. I mean, if you're paying Custom Shop prices, it should be exactly what you want. Their "light potting" is very reasonable and, as you said, they are sure to sound great either way. But, if it's not what you wanted, then you're very much in your right to speak up and ask them to make right on it.


        • #5
          That wax could be for holding the magnet and spacers in place but the coils themselves unpotted as you asked for. That little amount will not affect the tone. In fact, having a little to hold the magnet and spacers will eliminate unwanted feedback.


          • #6
            I didn’t think they would use any wax on an unpotted pickup Erik. I didn’t even think about it just being for holding the magnets and spacers in place. Is that something that is commonly done in unpotted pickups? I’ll have to look at my Seth Lovers and Antiquities. I’ve never looked at those to see if they have wax in the magnets and spacers.

            I assume that if that is the case, Customer Service will tell me that when they respond to my email. Interesting thought, thanks Erik.
            Play more guitar.


            • #7
              its a lightly potted pup. they dont wax the magnet or anything on non-potted pups, or ive never seen it anyway, and ive been in a few over the years


              • #8
                My thought is purely hypothetical. Jeremy certainly knows more than I.


                • #9
                  Thanks for confirming Jeremy, I didn’t know. It was a good thought just the same Erik. I know the Custom Shop will get back to me when they are able and get it all sorted out, as Seymour Duncan always does.
                  Play more guitar.


                  • #10
                    Let us know how this is resolved, and if you decide to install it.
                    Administrator of the SDUGF


                    • #11
                      Unpotting the coils: I understand that. But having no wax between the covers and the bobbins is close to tonal suicide. The squeel will bite your head off, even at bedroom volume levels.


                      • #12
                        That's the custom shop for ya. They just do whatever they feel like even though ur the customer and paying $160. Then you get em and they say sorry no exchanges.


                        • #13
                          Not at all, not when made right. I have a set of pickups from ReWind Electric that are not potted, and I can play hard rock on those at pretty loud volumes with no issues. I have another Custom Set made by a guy here in Texas, CM Daughtry, they are 57’ replica’s and they are in my 57’RI. They sound great and don’t squeal either. I have also had good luck with Seth’s and Antiquities....but I don’t really play metal with any of these. But certainly Hard Rock like some GnR with the Rewinds and the like.

                          With the Covers on. They just have to be on tight, and I always put a strip of masking tape over the slug coil before I press, clamp and solder the cover on. Works like a charm.

                          They have their limitations of course. I think I have decided to try these out. The potting is light, this guitar has been sitting empty waiting for these pickups for a while and it is my favorite guitar. I have wanted this specific set of pickups for over two years now, so I’m probably going to give them a whirl and then I can take them out and send them back when the Custom Shop makes my new set.
                          Last edited by Leon Of Late; 12-17-2020, 02:06 AM.
                          Play more guitar.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Clint 55 View Post
                            That's the custom shop for ya. They just do whatever they feel like even though ur the customer and paying $160. Then you get em and they say sorry no exchanges.
                            They will not say sorry no exchanges. They will make it right for me. They have done it for me before and they will do it this time. Why would you say something so negative about the Custom Shop? Have they done that to you on an order? Taken your $160, made a mistake and then refused to correct it?

                            Oh, and this was $350 for two pickups.
                            Play more guitar.


                            • #15
                              Well I take it back then. Yeah, if you asked for unpotted I would assume there shouldn't be any wax on the pups.

