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Pickups for an Epiphone Flying V?

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  • Pickups for an Epiphone Flying V?

    The Korina bodied one. I've ordered one and it should arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm expecting to change everything except the wood.

    Options are:

    1) the pickups it came with
    2) a pair of Gibson 57 Classics that came out of my 2015 SG
    3) a pair of Saturday Night Specials I have
    4) a pair of Dean Michael Schenker I have.


  • #2
    I'd change one thing at a time, not all at once.
    aka Chris Pile, formerly of Six String Fever


    • #3
      I have a number of Korina guitars, in general they tend to be a bit brighter with more mids than mahogany with a bit less low end. What tones are you looking for? I have a set of those Schenker pickups and they are great but higher output and a bit dark IME so classic tones would be harder to come by, in Korina I tend to look for pickups with rolled back highs. I have a Korina V being built right now and I might try a set of Dimarzio 36th Anniversaries in it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ICTGoober View Post
        I'd change one thing at a time, not all at once.
        I didnt like the alnico2 pickups that came with the EpiLP I bought a couple of months ago, so im fully expecting to change the (same?) pickups that will come in the V.

        If I'm changing pickups I will redo the wring anyway (Epiphones come with push connects and cheap pots etc. these days), and while I'm at it it's no big deal to change the bridge. I have a spare one already. With that done, the strings will need replacing, probably, so that just leaves the nut and the tuners, and I just so happen to have a spare adjustable nut and two spare sets of tuners, so I might as well do everything at once.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jimlp View Post
          I might try a set of Dimarzio 36th Anniversaries in it.
          You're like my wife.I ask Italian, Chinese, Thai, or brabecue?" She says "sushi"


          • #6
            What kind of music do you play?


            • #7
              Classic rock. Not post melodic death polka.


              • #8
                I agree it's probably best to change the hardware first, and get to know the stock pickups for a bit.
                Who knows, you may wind up liking them.
                Even if you don't, I'd wait at least until the next string change for different pickups.

                Korina generally does tend to be brighter and a tad thinner sounding than mahog.
                However, the multipiece-plus-veneer body on an Epi could offset that a bit.

                Of the pickups you've got, I'd probably go with the SNS set over the 57 Classics.
                And if they're too bright, then go with the hotter Schenker set.

                However, the Brobucker is magnificent in korina... Just sayin'.
                "You should know better by now than to introduce science into a discussion of voodoo."


                • #9
                  ^ Strings are the first things I change on a new guitar. Usually before I've plugged it in


                  • #10
                    Out of your options probably the 57 classics or Saturday nights. I like alnico 2 or 3 ideally in flying Vs and explorers so I would lean 57s personally.

                    I'm currently building a korina explorer and just ordered an unpotted 78 bridge and candy neck from the custom shop for it... I would recommend something like that if you're looking for other ideas. There are also a few production sets like the High Voltage set that I think would be perfect.
                    Last edited by Tubes; 07-09-2022, 06:46 PM.


                    • #11
                      The SNS set should sound fantastic in that guitar. I have an odd relationship with the SNS set. I wasn't a huge fan of the "bedroom" tone, but they sound fantastic in a mix


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I'm thinking the SNSs and go from there.


                        • #13
                          I'd live with the pickups first. It might be abnormally bright or dark, and you'd have to pick a direction to go. It is all about being better informed.
                          Administrator of the SDUGF


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ThreeChordWonder View Post
                            ^ Strings are the first things I change on a new guitar. Usually before I've plugged it in
                            Me too. Just figured you'd probably be swapping the hardware when you do, since you've already decided on that much.
                            "You should know better by now than to introduce science into a discussion of voodoo."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by chadd View Post
                              The SNS set should sound fantastic in that guitar. I have an odd relationship with the SNS set. I wasn't a huge fan of the "bedroom" tone, but they sound fantastic in a mix
                              Lackluster at low levels, but in a band situation it's a different story.
                              That's been pretty true of all the A4 pickups I've owned so far - some volume is required for A4 to be at its best.

                              IMO even at volume the A4 has a split personality. It's vintagey-bright, sparkly for cleans and focused for grit.
                              Add more gain and suddenly the character gets richer and looser, much less controlled and more in-your-face.
                              "You should know better by now than to introduce science into a discussion of voodoo."

