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  • Desolation

    Just recycling one more old clip, this is the Hiwatt DR201 and my Wolfgang with a 59n and the Demon, both a clean track and a dirty one.
    Last edited by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon; 07-13-2004, 04:35 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Desolation

    pretty nice

    have you got the backing track to that?
    My clips

    Originally posted by Rid
    How do I block my hardtail?


    • #3
      Re: Desolation

      Haha one gets depressed and the other goes pretty nice
      Yep I have the backing for that one.
      Next time I circulate the backings it will get up.


      • #4
        Re: Desolation

        Hmm maybe I should post something with alot of notes the next time, just as many as I can maybe that will get some more to say something
        Nah.....I stick to my guns.


        • #5
          Re: Desolation

          Heh yeah that is ok with me, but I guess that it is not everyones style what I upload, dunno but it is fun to do, but sometimes it almost feels like getting no applause after having performed a tune in a club
          Anyways I have collected a great deal of new backtracks to have fun with after summerbreak.
          And I also planning on doing a clip with one guitar only....
          Oh well I can see that people have been inside to have a look, that is ok, but a few words on the tunes would be nice.
          As they say, you cannot have it all


          • #6
            Re: Desolation

            yeah i agree with that, so long as nobody abuses it.
            My clips

            Originally posted by Rid
            How do I block my hardtail?


            • #7
              Re: Desolation

              That could be a good idea, although this may require some explanation... simply throwing a low number can be frustrating...

              Rid, I tried to access the file repeatadly and still can't this morning...

              And yes, we often post stuff that nobody comments on... you can have 130 hits on your post and nobody comments on the clip... been there a couple of times. I suppose this means people don't care too much about what they heard.

              Gibson Les Paul Traditional
              Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


              • #8
                Re: Desolation

                alright seems fair!
                My clips

                Originally posted by Rid
                How do I block my hardtail?


                • #9
                  Re: Desolation

                  Well, I think since you're very much involved in the forum and has such a great attitude, people don't want to take a hit at you Lee. But you're right, people should say it, but I think people should also be articulate in their answers. Someone can play perfectly well something I hate to listen to. There are nuances to be made.

                  I personally hate to be a critic... playing is hard for me, people don't know it, but I always need at least 5 take because I constantly mess up when I play... so I don't want to be an a** and say to people: you're timing is wrong, you're out of scale, etc. Because I'm far from perfect myself.

                  I've heard people who completely loose sight of the rhythm track. They loose the tempo, lose the scale and end up way down the left field, as if they were completely tone deaf. Can I actually say that to someone who claims he's been playing for over 10 years and has the equivalent of my house's worth of gear in his signature? No, I just can't. I just shut the f*ck up It doesn't happen often, but it does.

                  We're not being too kind with you because we're sorry for you. You share small clips with us on the spur of the moment, we take them for what they are. If you we claiming that you'll soon get a record deal with these clips, maybe we'd be sorry for you and would try not to disturb you any further

                  I think it's a matter of attitude, some people are really trying to make it (or are being too serious about it, if you'd ask me). Some others, like me, are just music lovers. And there's no better way to feed that passion than to share it with others. This forum is my Promise Land

                  Gibson Les Paul Traditional
                  Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


                  • #10
                    Re: Desolation

                    Originally posted by Sly_D
                    Rid, I tried to access the file repeatadly and still can't this morning...
                    I had the same problem, then I realized it was a generic hosting, so you have to right click and save.
                    Heavy Metal is a 73 tonne Main Battle Tank :headbang:

                    B.C. Rich USA ST-III w/ Seymour Duncan Hot Rails Neck/Middle, Duncan Custom Bridge. :firedevil


                    • #11
                      Re: Desolation

                      Yes, I guess you're right, we should have the courage to point the obvious mistakes to our fellow players. We'd all benefit from it.

                      Timing is often underestimated... this is an issue with most palyers. It's not easy. I very often have to redo a track because the timing is off. As you say, even the pros do that. I was listening to a summer show in a park nearby, and the guitar player, otherwise very good, had a serious problem with the accuracy of his bending. Every time he had to seriously bend the strings, he was a bit off. Nobody seemed to care around me. So go figure. 75 per cent of the population is tone deaf Now that's encouraging!

                      I can even had worst. When I was 18, my uncle did a small local gig (200-300 hundred people) and since I wrote a part he liked for one of his songs, he asked me to write more parts for several other songs. I only had a day to write the parts and a day to learn them and rehearse. Total disaster! I made so many mistakes during the show I was almost sick to my stomach when I left the stage. Yet I only had compliments for that show. If there was a guitar player in this room, I didn't see him, he was on the floor laughing is sorry a** off

                      Gibson Les Paul Traditional
                      Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


                      • #12
                        Re: Desolation

                        Well did an update on the damn file.

                        Try this.

                        Last edited by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon; 07-13-2004, 10:58 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Desolation

                          Now this is excellent Rid, far better than "how many notes you can play". Seems like your guitar is speaking an unknown language, like whales. Excellent! This is not the type of music I listen too but in terms of tone and execution, this gets a 9 hands down.

                          Gibson Les Paul Traditional
                          Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


                          • #14
                            Re: Desolation

                            I normally try to post reviews but my DSL has been down and out since Thur. WHen it comes back to life I'll download and write a review.

                            Couldn't people just post a poll when they post a tune so people could rate it easily? May be subject to abuse since no one is accountable with these polls.
                            MY MUSIC

                            When the going get's tough I get a machinegun.


                            • #15
                              Re: Desolation

                              they can be if you make the poll a public one

                              but i doubt that would help, as then you can pick multiple choices and that would be pointless when people start messing with that.

                              but on the other hand, everyone seems more mature and level headed in this room so why not
                              My clips

                              Originally posted by Rid
                              How do I block my hardtail?

