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new song . first draft. rock project!

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  • new song . first draft. rock project!
    hope you appreciated!
    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
    Yehudi Menuhin

  • #2
    Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

    First, i have two questions ... is that the same singer who featured on another clip you posted recently where you were talking about getting back into using a Strat ? And is the guitar on this track a Strat ? (if i had to make an educated guess, I would guess 'yes' to both questions).

    I liked the song and the guitar arrangement, but something came to me from the previous clip with this singer, and was reinforced here. Because of the nature of her voice, I don't think the Strat is the right guitar, it seems to kinda occupy the same sonic space as her voice somehow. To my ear, a Gibson-type sound would be better, occupying and filling a slightly lower area, leaving her voice more open space in her register. Maybe the 335 would be a candidate ?

    Having said that, i can hear the she has one of those voices that can be tricky to work around ... it it hard and bright on the higher notes and more rounded and a little less powerful on the lower notes ... which of course are typical of vocals, and female vocals in particular. It occurs to me that possibly some experiments with different vocal mics for her might make some difference.

    I'm listening here on very good gear (my studio monitors, which i use to listen to almost everything) so i know i'm not being decieved, although this is all about my personal perception .... the next person may hear it and percieve it completely differently to me.

    I hope i'm not coming across as a d*ck here, i'm not meaning to be. My first impression when i hit 'play' was 'ah, okay, right, i get the groove and what's happening' (because i had no idea what style to expect, whether there would be vocals, etc.). My second impression was that it was the same singer i heard on the other clip and that she and the guitar were clashing somehow in the sonic spectrum.

    I like the song, her voice has certain characteristics that make me think of cabaret/showgirl kinda style, brassy maybe, and with the almost sludgy guitar riff, it's an interesting juxtaposition ... it works, but i just think it would work better if the guitar and voice were separated sonically somehow. More low mids from the guitar was my immediate thought.

    but this is just how i heard it, and i am only one individual.
    Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)



    • #3
      Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

      I really, really liked this man. I love the suopy guitar playing. Really atmospheric. It kinda reminded me of some old Queen Adreena tracks, though less industrial and abrasive, obviously. I can't wait to hear more of this.

      And yeah, I'd also be interested in knowing what gear you used. Sounds like a Strat to me, but that rhythm tone's glorious.
      I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


      • #4
        Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

        thats all great suff crusty....thanks for taking the time to listen.
        1. yes same singer.
        2. yes its the strat.
        Re; the mix....this was just done on my computer....we are getting a pro to mix it shortly.
        However ....i did try the guitar track with a marshall and that was just too much in teh vocal this is thru the twin...which seemed to "duck" her vocal frequencies a bit better. In the studio yesterday we used a princeton, but it as not loud enough to get the feedback.....
        I might give the 335 another go....but we have previously done demos of these songs and its not quite articulate enough for the big grungy no trem....
        She kinda likes the strat mebbe it still needs some fine tuning on the eq shelving. I might re-do a few gtr parts (maybe just change the eq on the dirt pedal) and see what happens, then see what the pro studio guy will do also.

        The bass has gut strings, so that was kinda difficult to fatten it up too.

        Yes definitely cabaret.....Thats her thing - shes a NIDA graduate blah blah- its the Ava Torch show. There will be a few songs coming up. All of them are totally different. She dont want the audience getting bored!

        Kam...the gtr track is strat, fulltone GT500, deja vu, old twin reverb on 3 1/2
        Last edited by Chickenwings; 12-23-2011, 07:47 AM.
        "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
        Yehudi Menuhin


        • #5
          Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

          It did occur to me that the low riff might get too murky with a Gibson. It's a difficult one, sonically.

          If you were working with unlimited equipment, i think my thoughts would be to try a bunch of different vocal mics, and use a vintage-style valve preamp for the mic.(or a software valve preamp?)

          For the guitar, if you are going to use the Strat, is it possible to run the Twin into a quad box (4 x 12 cab) ? That might keep the edge but fatten up the body of the sound maybe.

          Yeah, my comments all pertain to the sonic qualities, I do like the song. But my feelings are that for the unusual juxtaposition of styles between the guitar and voice, this might be one time when getting the sonic balance just right could really make a big difference to how the song goes over with the listener.

          Normally i listen through the sound to hear what is happening musically, and i did with this too, but like i said, i think this one really needs to get that sonic balance just right to be absolutely killer.
          Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)



          • #6
            Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

            yeh i getcha crusty......leave it with me....this is a frist draft...youll get to hear a few more if you are keen. I appreciate the extra ears. We are keeping the drums and bass.....the rest is all the really slow and time consuming stuff of re-recording the gtrs etc and mixing (and mixing again and again) till it all locks into place.
            "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
            Yehudi Menuhin


            • #7
              Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

              I hope a couple of the studio guys here chime in on this one for you.

              Listening to it again, without a guitar at hand ... seems like whenever the song moves up to the IV chord and she sings higher is when it gets harsh. I really dig the bass sound, it's great: guitar sound is, too. It sure is an interesting combination of sounds and styles, really unique. Kinda heavy swing cabaret or something, hehe. I'm looking forward to hearing some of the other material too, there's certainly a lot of scope for some really interesting material by the sounds of it.

              I'll shut up now and just listen, hehe.
              Last edited by crusty philtrum; 12-23-2011, 08:31 AM.
              Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)

              STALKER NO STALKING !


              • #8
                Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                You need a lot more lows and low mids in that mix.

                The upright bass is doing absolutely no favours to the strat's tone...With an electric bass it'd sound a lot fuller and thumpy. I get the kinda vibe you're going for with the songwriting, the playing and the instrumentation, but I really think this needs an electric bass.

                or you could go the other way around, keep the upright bass, and use something like a hollowbody for the guitar tracks. Also, IMO, a touch less gain on the guitar could also help.

                Other than that, the song is pretty damn cool, and the performances were top notch. lotsa soul and vibe!


                • #9
                  Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                  Not what I expected to hear at all! Very nice!
                  Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
                  My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


                  • #10
                    Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                    Convoys...yeh. I have the option of getting the session guy back to do electric bass. He used gut strings on his double bass, which to me dont sound and good as steelwound flats. The rockabilly guys like them for that percussive style, but i woukd have definitely preferred metal strings on a double bass in a perfect world. The double bass sound is an important part of what we are going juts like it "bigger" than the gut strings can give. I dont know if we can get him back (hes a sesson player) on a steel stringed double bass.
                    And yeh i can and probably will re-record the guitar a few times. The gain on the pedal is only at 10 o clock and im using low output pickups and a clean amp. I might try it with the 335 and see if it sounds better in the mix.
                    After that ill pas it back to the studio engineer to do some mixing with better ears than mine and waaaaay better gear. This was just mixed on my laptop with the plugins from cubase.
                    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                    Yehudi Menuhin


                    • #11
                      Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                      The uprite sounds fine to me. This is a rough draft. It just needs to be mixed better to bring it way up in volume. What I find most unlikable is that drone in the background. Well, the problem with it is that it actually isn't in the background at all. It smears over everything else. But again, that is a mixing issue.
                      Originally posted by LesStrat
                      Yogi Berra was correct.
                      Originally posted by JOLLY
                      I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


                      • #12
                        Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                        Cool song! Yeah, the mix could go a few different ways, this isn't one of them. Hahaha In all seriousness I don't know the vibe you're going for but the guitar is stepping on her vocals. You can pull the guitar back in the mix and compress her vocals a lot harder. I think I would use less reverb too on her unless you're trying for a soupy sounding mix. Carve a hole in the center for her vocals to sit in with eq and panning.

                        Sorry if you didn't want feedback, I can't help myself.
                        Pulse 2AM - YouTube
                        Pulse 2AM - iTunes


                        • #13
                          Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                          heh....nah i was looking for feedback like that...thanks!....its probably pretty obvious im no mixing will go into the hands of a proper engineer when we are happy with the parts.
                          Yeh i kinda put aux reverb on everything....maybe thats cluttering things up if vocals and bass and drums etc are all running thru it?

                          Itsabass: what drone exactly do you mean? is it in the high end or low down?....ive been listening to this song for 24 hours and maybe ive grown de-sensetized to it. Ill track it down if you can give me some more details of what you are hearing...
                          Last edited by Chickenwings; 12-23-2011, 05:33 PM.
                          "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                          Yehudi Menuhin


                          • #14
                            Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                            Again it kind of depends on what you're after in the vibe. Like a smokey club sound or something else. I think it's really good to turn off all the reverb get the levels happening and the panning then pick your spots to add reverb to put things in a space. You would be surprised at how just a few elements with reverb can make the whole thing pop.
                            Pulse 2AM - YouTube
                            Pulse 2AM - iTunes


                            • #15
                              Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

                              yeh ok ill try that. cheers!
                              "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                              Yehudi Menuhin

