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new song . first draft. rock project!

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  • #16
    Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

    I'm thinking it must be a keyboard. Sounds like a synthesized bagpipe, in the beginning.

    Listening again, I think the bass and drums are waaaay buried by the guitar. Drums and bass up front and guitar a bit more buried would suit the song well IMO.

    It is cool; it just has a muddy mix at this point.
    Originally posted by LesStrat
    Yogi Berra was correct.
    Originally posted by JOLLY
    I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


    • #17
      Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

      synthesized bagpipe! lol....its guitar!....but at least i know what you mean now - ill look at that part again....its played with an ebow, but only is in a couple of parts of the tune.

      When i get back from Melbourne ill re mix from the ground up with no reverbs, then add just a touch here and there as innerdream suggested and see how it goes. Might even re-do all the guitar parts a few times with different settings and axes and see how they sit.
      Thanks everyone for all your input. It definitely helps - and i appreciate everyone saying exactly what they think cos that kind of advice is really useful in making it sound better. Mebbe when the album comes out i can add the SDUGF in the list of credits!
      "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
      Yehudi Menuhin


      • #18
        Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

        This is really cool! I needed something fresh to listen to! Thanks for this.

        I knew something good would come out of clicking the clips section today!
        Originally posted by jmh151
        I'd hit that so hard that whoever could pull me out would be the King of England
        Originally posted by jeremy
        like if we were walking down the sidewalk and you said "hey check her out" chances are i already saw her and mentally sodomized her
        Originally posted by grumptruck
        Media only reports on what the sheeple wanna see/hear/read.
        Sometimes not read.
        dats hard


        • #19
          Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

          I think the basic mismatch that is happening is because the vocalist's sound is too clean and thin to compete with a heavy guitar track. It's like what you would get if you were to put a cabaret jazz singer in front of a rock band. She doesn't have the authority in her tone to stand in front of the track. Adding reverb to her vocal only weakens it in that context. The only chance she will have is to move everything out of her way in the stereo field and have her dry in the middle. This is one case where using a cheap dynamic on the main vocal may be better than a condenser.

          This will take some work in mixdown because the mismatch is at a fundamental level. Maybe by moving the guitar track out of the centre and possibly pushing it back with pre-delay on the reverb you can get it to seem like she has the power to dominate the band. In this mix the guitar is eating her alive.

          Keep us posted!

          Cheers...................................... wahwah
          Highway Star
          Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
          Cause We Ended As Lovers
          Go ahead...check out my solo album @

          Originally posted by JOLLY
          Strats are better than Les Pauls.


          • #20
            Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

            wah - you are right on....she IS a cabaret singer! lol
            its odd tho cos she is loud as hell.
            thanks for the ideas....ill get back to working on parts and mixing on the 29th when i get back from Melbourne. If i can make it work okay at home using my laptop, then hopefully when it gets remixed by the pro engineer it will sound better still. Ill keep you posted...and its be great to hear what you guys think about subsequent mixing attempts.
            Merry Christmas all!
            "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
            Yehudi Menuhin


            • #21
              Re: new song . first draft. rock project!

              I dig the song and I think everything will sit a lot better once it gets a better mix. The cabaret voice, however, will have to grow on me. Idk why I've never loved that sound.
              Originally posted by TheLivingDead
              H-S guitars with floyds make me erect.
              Originally posted by jcthejester13
              I'm pretty sure it's like nailing twins. They are identical but feel totally different.

