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Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

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  • Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

    I need a delay that will sound good in front of a dirty jcm800. I don't want too modify it with an fx loop. I slam it with an od most of the time so the delay will kinda be sandwiched between dirt haha. I like tap tempo, and i like warmer delays. I'm not opposed to digital or modeling. We play out and people will not know the difference i don't think, and a lot of analog delays don't have the longer times right?
    Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  • #2
    Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

    you could consider a cheap dry/wet setup with the EH 22caliber or 44 Magnun as poweramp...
    Delay sounds bad with distortion...


    • #3
      Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

      seymour duncan deja vu delay. long delay times. tap tempo. true baypass. ratio switch. choice of pure digital, or run the delays thru a bucket chip and get a a warm analog delay- or blend the 2 together, also analog modulation on the analog side. Its perfect for a gigging musician. easy to use on the fly.
      its also got some other function like running inserts etc.
      warm. yes. long delays yes. its all there man!
      "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
      Yehudi Menuhin


      • #4
        Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?


        • #5
          Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

          Line 6 dl4


          • #6
            Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

            I bet the Memory Lane Jr would sound great out front.


            • #7
              Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

              I really liked the Vox Time Machine in front of my Marshall. If I get another delay, that's most likely what it will be.


              • #8
                Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                I use the Deja Vu. It sits after my Blackstar HT Dual pedal, and into the front of my JTM-45. I know the level of dirt from the JTM-45 isn't quite the same as a JCM 800, but it does the job for me!

                Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan!


                • #9
                  Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                  Delay sounds ****ty in front of an amp. No two ways around it. I'd consider getting a seperate wet/dry rig, as suggested above.
                  Last edited by Agileguy_101; 08-31-2011, 03:55 PM.
                  Custom neck-thru strat
                  1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
                  1995 PRS CE24
                  D'avanzo #8
                  Breedlove Solo Concert
                  1996 USA Dean Baby Z
                  1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
                  1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
                  Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


                  • #10
                    Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                    Boss would work
                    Originally posted by grumptruck
                    No I think James and Dave have that covered. You are obviously rocking way to hard.
                    Originally posted by Gear Used
                    PRS CE 22 (Custom 5 / 59)
                    Gibson Les Paul (Screaming Demon / Pearly Gates)
                    Mesa Stiletto Ace
                    Gurus 5015
                    Mesa Widebody 1X12


                    • #11
                      Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                      I would try a DD3. A time tested delay. Not fancy but it does the job. I have 3 of them on different boards
                      "So you will never have to listen to Surf music again" James Marshall Hendrix
                      "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace."-Jimi Hendrix


                      • #12
                        Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                        Originally posted by Agileguy_101 View Post
                        Delay sounds ****ty in front of an amp. No two ways around it. I'd consider getting a Terri wet/dry rig, as suggested above.
                        Yeah, I gotta +1 this. Distorted echoes sound really nasty, unless you're going for a nasty, grungey, muddy wall of noise type thing. And even then, you're walking a tightrope above harsh white-noisiness.

                        The wet/dry rig could work. Alternatively, if you don't use the delay that much, then invest in a dirt pedal you like to put in front of the delay, just for those echo-y passages.
                        I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


                        • #13
                          Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                          I run a pair of Boss DD-3s in front of my Marshall 18 Watter clone. 25 years ago, I did the same thing with my JCM800. I run a moderate amount of crunch on the amp, and kick in overdrive or distortion pedals as needed. The delays sit in between the dirt boxes and the amp. Obviously, if you want tap tempo, you'll want something bigger and badder, but tonally, the DD-3s work fine for me.

                          I disagree with the "distorted echos sound nasty" crowd. Running through a crunchy Marshall, the delays actually clean up progressively as they trail off, since they're driving the amp less. I don't find anything wrong with that, except that you have to set the mix knob differently than if it was a clean amp. Since the amp is adding some compression (squashing the dry signal in proportion to the quieter repeats), I find you need to run the mix a bit more toward "dry" to compensate. But overall, there's nothing wrong with running a delay in front of a JCM800. (My answer might be different if we were talking about a Mesa Rectifier, but it's moot point, since those have effects loops).

                          There were a lot of great sounds made with Echoplexes, et al, in front of Marshalls, back in the olden days before effects loops were invented.
                          Last edited by Rich_S; 08-31-2011, 02:51 PM.
                          Tra-la-laa, lala-la-laa!
                          Rich Stevens

                          "I am using you; am I amusing you?" - Martha Johnson, What People Do For Fun


                          • #14
                            Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                            ^^^ That's a good point. I guess it really depends on how much gain we're talking about, really.
                            I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


                            • #15
                              Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                              /\ Werd, us old schoolers used to do this all the time. JCM800s are dirty, but not Recto mushy. If you don't get carried away with the delay, pretty much any of them will work fine, the Boss DD-3s worked great.

