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Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

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  • #16
    Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

    Originally posted by devastone View Post
    /\ Werd, us old schoolers used to do this all the time. JCM800s are dirty, but not Recto mushy. If you don't get carried away with the delay, pretty much any of them will work fine, the Boss DD-3s worked great.
    that's what I don't understand. Some of my heroes, like Andy Summers and The Edge were plugging their analogue (read: MUDDY) delay pedals into overdriven amps and sounding great...

    Unless we're talking about Limp Bizkit gain.

    in that case I would recommend a new amp.

    ...hey, wait! I had a jcm800. there wasnt THAT much gain, unless you're power braking the damn thing.


    • #17
      Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

      If you're running the amp with only enough gain for "crunchy" you should be okay. It depends on how much gain you're using.

      Also, NMV Marshalls had less gain than 800's. Less preamp gain=better for mod pedals. I've never had any problems cranking up my bassman and running delay/phase into it.
      Custom neck-thru strat
      1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
      1995 PRS CE24
      D'avanzo #8
      Breedlove Solo Concert
      1996 USA Dean Baby Z
      1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
      1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
      Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


      • #18
        Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

        I can't help with finding the right one, but I'll at least help you stay clear of the Memory Toy by EHX. It's a delay that I feel should be in the effects loop. I hate how it boosts the signals when going straight in. The effects loop that tame that a bit, especially with an effects loop mix dial.
        "The amp has been making a lot of noise and acting funky, perhaps it may be aware of the amount of rock it's about to be punished with" ~GearMannDude
        "30 days of dating doesn't seem like cheating. It seems like legitimate playing the field, and you happened to catch a pop fly..." ~Aceman
        "If all else fails, wank, fall asleep, come back to it the next day." ~GuitarStv
        "The crowd has no perception of tone...only timing and flow." ~Glassman


        • #19
          Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

          I run a TC Electronic Nova Repeater in front of a Mesa Stiletto Ace. It works great, clean or dirty.

          The key is to use a delay that has the repeats trailing off in a nice, natural way. The Nova Repeater has a bunch of modes plus the ability to adjust the tone and modulation of the repeats. I've had good luck with the analog mode with the treble rolled off a bit and a touch of chorus modulation. The repeats blend into the background and don't add lots of clutter.

          It's also very important to dial in your delay properly if you put it in front of the amp. The level and feeback controls are your friends.

          That said, if you want clear, pristine delay then the effects loop is the only way to go. Either that or run your amp clean and get all your gain from pedals (in front of the delay, of course).

          Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts


          • #20
            Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

            Way Huge Aqua puss. My last few amps have only been single channel with no fx loop. It has sounded fantastic in front of each of them. Even when running the amp dirty.


            • #21
              Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

              Originally posted by Blackie13 View Post
              you could consider a cheap dry/wet setup with the EH 22caliber or 44 Magnun as poweramp...
              Delay sounds bad with distortion...
              Delay sounds fine with distortion...people did it for years w/o loops and w/o wet/dry set ups...

              Originally posted by astrozombie View Post
              No tap tempo, no long delay times so it's really not what he's looking for.

              Originally posted by Agileguy_101 View Post
              Delay sounds ****ty in front of an amp. No two ways around it. I'd consider getting a seperate wet/dry rig, as suggested above.
              Wrong, way wrong...again, guys used echo for decades w/o can be done...

              Originally posted by Bludave View Post
              I would try a DD3. A time tested delay. Not fancy but it does the job. I have 3 of them on different boards
              No tap tempo
              If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


              • #22
                Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                Originally posted by Kam View Post
                Yeah, I gotta +1 this. Distorted echoes sound really nasty, unless you're going for a nasty, grungey, muddy wall of noise type thing. And even then, you're walking a tightrope above harsh white-noisiness.

                The wet/dry rig could work. Alternatively, if you don't use the delay that much, then invest in a dirt pedal you like to put in front of the delay, just for those echo-y passages.
                You kids are just ruined to having things like loops...Page, Beck, VH, Chet, Les Paul, Eric Johnson, Brian May, Tommy Bolin, Richie Blackmore, Joe Walsh, Randy Rhoads, Andy Summers and countless others use and have used echo units w/o loops and I see little to no complaining about their tone, in fact most of the guys I named are rather high on the "let's try and nail that guys tone" list...
                If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


                • #23
                  Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                  The DD-5 is a cool box, lots of time, good sound and you can run an external tap tempo with it, the DL-4 is an industry standard that covers a lot of ground and the TC Flashback is MEGA impressive.
                  If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


                  • #24
                    Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                    Lava Box.

                    "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


                    • #25
                      Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                      Originally posted by the guy who invented fire View Post
                      You kids are just ruined to having things like loops...Page, Beck, VH, Chet, Les Paul, Eric Johnson, Brian May, Tommy Bolin, Richie Blackmore, Joe Walsh, Randy Rhoads, Andy Summers and countless others use and have used echo units w/o loops and I see little to no complaining about their tone, in fact most of the guys I named are rather high on the "let's try and nail that guys tone" list...
                      This is all true.

                      However, I'm using more gain, louder repeat levels and longer delay times than I've heard those guys regularly use. I'm also going for a waaaaaayyy different sound. One which I've never managed to find a pleasing version of with a delay pedal in front of the source of my dirt. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying that I've never succeeded in dialling it in with my gear and that it's way easier to find with the delay in a loop. Or at least after a dirt box.

                      You're right, though. I shouldn't have jumped the gun and assumed that OP wanted the same tones as me.

                      EDIT: 'Kay, I just re-read that. I'm probably not using more gain than Randy. I also never listen to his music, though.
                      I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


                      • #26
                        Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                        Thanks for the help guys! So far i'm looking at the flashback delay, the time machine, or if i can live without tap tempo, then maybe a dd-3. Flashback looks coolest and best bang for buck though. Thanks again!
                        Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.


                        • #27
                          Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?


                          It was meant to be put straight in front of the amp. It has level control problems with most fx loops. Google it. That said I use 2 of em. One straight in fron of my amp, and one through my fx loop. The one through the loop is only used for loops. I have a deja vu in the fx loop, dd6, delta lab delay, and memory toy. The DL4 just seems to sound best straight in front of the amp, and its my main delay.

                          Im a delay whore.... im also rambling. After proof reading....this post doesn't make much sense, but ill post it anyway.


                          • #28
                            Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                            Let's see -- what delay sounds good in front of a Marshall?

                            Wembley, Madison Square Garden, the Grand Canyon...

                            "Add about a half-a-teacup o' bass...."
                            --'King' Curtis Ousley

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                            Originally posted by Lewguitar
                            In our heart of hearts we're love. That's who we really are.


                            • #29
                              Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                              Originally posted by ginormous View Post
                              Let's see -- what delay sounds good in front of a Marshall?

                              Wembley, Madison Square Garden, the Grand Canyon...

                              But, can you also put it in the loop?

                              "The amp has been making a lot of noise and acting funky, perhaps it may be aware of the amount of rock it's about to be punished with" ~GearMannDude
                              "30 days of dating doesn't seem like cheating. It seems like legitimate playing the field, and you happened to catch a pop fly..." ~Aceman
                              "If all else fails, wank, fall asleep, come back to it the next day." ~GuitarStv
                              "The crowd has no perception of tone...only timing and flow." ~Glassman


                              • #30
                                Re: Delay that sounds good in front of a marshall?

                                Anything analog of course

