Why do so many people hate 5150 amps? I've never used them, but the best guitarist ever, Eddie Van Halen created them, so they must be good. What's your opinions?
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Re: 5150
People say they hate them for the following reasons:
- Too Noisey
- Gain has a fuzzy characterist and useless as soon as you set the gain knob pass 5 or 6
- Harsh highend
and other reasons.
I remember when I tried my friend's 5150, it sounded excellent. None of those things were part of what people say about the amp. So, I dont know. I remember I played it with his Gibson LesPaul standard with stock pickups, dunlop crybaby and into the amp.
No Noise gate was used and it was quiet.
Re: 5150
Originally posted by taphappyWhy do so many people hate 5150 amps? I've never used them, but the best guitarist ever, Eddie Van Halen created them, so they must be good. What's your opinions?!!
BTW, 2 comments. First, this was a 5150 I, not the newer 5150 II, which I haven't tried. Other comment, I used the 5150 head with a JCM 900 Marshall 4 x 12 cab. Used with the 5150 cab it sounds too much like the Carnal Knowledge tone to suit me. The Marshall cab is much thicker and warmer.
Hope this helps
Farkus2007 Strat ('78 bridge, a2 Pro neck)
1976 Strat (Antiquity 1 set)
Fender, Mesa, Marshall Amps
Re: 5150
I tend to hire 5150s in the rehearsal studios with my band and im using one in my next gig on the 6th. The amp has sooooo much gain! I have the preamp on about 5-6 aswell and power amp on 5 on the lead channel. I use this as my basic metal rhythm. Like this i get a good tone. Have a GE-7 in the loop for my lead boost and im set. I used to get lots of feedback, but that was when i was overdoing the gain. Now i use alot less and its plenty. Brutal sound, and i cant wait to use it live!
Re: 5150
I've owned the 5150 Combo for about 5 years now and it's a solid rock amp. It sounds best LOUD. At lower volumes, it does sound like a hornets nest though. From my years of 5150 experimentation, I've found that it sounds best when matched with a guitar with medium output pups. Something to tone the gain down a little. I have no intention of parting with my 5150, cause it does what it does very well. ROCK!Not a 5150 Kramer, but a 5149 1/2 Shamer
Re: 5150
5150 is a great metal amp but : the clean sucks ,it can be buzzy and basically is a one trick pony.
Great for the money but there are way more versatile and better sounding hi gain amps on the market,
GUITARS: Ibanez MMM1 baritone - Ibanez S1540 - Fender 50's Strat -Fender Jazzmaster - Gibson SG Special - Epiphone LP Studio
AMPS: ENGL Powerball head - ENGL Standard 2x12 cab - Peavey XL head - Brunetti Dual 2x12 cab - Marshall 1912 1x12 cab
EFFECTS : Some pedals