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The Jolly Roger - My strat build

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  • #76
    Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

    Thanks doods!

    The first clear coat got botched. Somehow, as I was leaving my spray area after spraying the first coat, I must've moved the plastic drop sheets too aggressively or something, cuz it kicked up a bunch of dust which of course settled onto the wet body and headstock, and the dust specks dried into that first coat before I knew it. So I had to sand that first coat almost all the way back to get rid of the specks.

    second coat is drying now though, and I didn't make the same mistake twice with the drop sheets. It looks a lot cleaner and more even now. Getting used to the flow of rattle cans is annoying. The colour coat formula sprayed quite differently to how the clear coat goes on. I have to get much closer with the clear coat rattle cans to get nice even coverage, which makes runs more likely. They should really make nozzle flow adjustment thingies for spray cans so you can go from a direct stream to a fine mist and everything in between.


    • #77
      Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

      Careful with the clear. Do lots of thin coats, not thick. You don't have to get in too close at all, pretty much the same as when spraying the color. It takes a lot of thin coats of clear to build it up so you can buff it out to a shiney finish.


      • #78
        Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

        I hear ya, but the way the spray flow comes out, if I attempt shooting from what I would consider a normal distance, then not enough of the clear coat reaches the body, and what I end up with is almost like a stippling effect which means horribly uneven coverage and lots of low spots.

        I'm just trying to get a nice thin/even coat.


        • #79
          Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

          Well, today is "Family Day" here, whatever the hell that means. long weekend.

          So I decided to get some sun and work on ye olde axe.

          Levelled the clear coat, and did some light relicing on the body. A couple of the relic spots started out as blemishes/low spots that wouldn't sand out until it was too late and I had sanded through. So I went with it, exagerating some of those sports, and making new ones where I saw fit. Don't like it? Too sad.

          Also worked on the headstock today. sanded that 2nd clear coat up from 400 to 1000 in preparation for the decal! By the way, this is I think the most accurate representation of the colour of this guitar. a nice creamy dairy kinda colour. Almost like condensed milk. *drool*

          1000 grit - Damn that's smooooooth.

          So here's how I'm doing the decals.

          And boy did it turn out sexy.

          You'll have to wait until the guitar's done for the full frontal reveal though
          Last edited by CTN; 02-21-2012, 11:55 AM.


          • #80
            Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build



            • #81
              Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

              OH NOEZ!! U BROKE DA COLOR! Jk the relic looks nice! That logo turned out smexy

              Originally posted by ImmortalSix
              Sometimes something you think you didn't want jumps into your lap and says "HERE I AM MOTHAFUKCA, U MAD?"
              Originally posted by idsnowdog
              The medical name for viagra is mycoxafloppin.
              Originally posted by TheLivingDead
              Vaginal debris.



              • #82
                Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                oh **** me silly that's nice
                Custom neck-thru strat
                1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
                1995 PRS CE24
                D'avanzo #8
                Breedlove Solo Concert
                1996 USA Dean Baby Z
                1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
                1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
                Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


                • #83
                  Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                  I'll admit, for a while yesterday, I was parading around the apartment, decal'd neck in hand, and I was jumping around pretending I was holding the completed guitar, air-rocking out.

                  The headstock looked so badass lol


                  • #84
                    Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                    This is seriously awesome. Brilliant plan and execution, sir. I hope it's as good to you as you have been to it.


                    • #85
                      Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                      Glad you like it dude! I'm getting really excited for this to come together. Probably a week or two left, estimating the drying times for the clear coats.

                      Speaking of clear coats...I'll be applying a new coat tonight.

                      Also, I have acquired some polishing compound - Meguiar's ultimate compound. Rejoice!
                      Last edited by CTN; 02-21-2012, 08:23 PM.


                      • #86
                        Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                        Originally posted by ConvoysToNothingness View Post
                        Glad you like it dude! I'm getting really excited for this to come together. Probably a week or two left, estimating the drying times for the clear coats.

                        Speaking of clear coats...I'll be applying a new coat tonight.

                        Also, I have acquired some polishing compound - Meguiar's ultimate compound. Rejoice!
                        Nice dude!

                        Originally posted by ImmortalSix
                        Sometimes something you think you didn't want jumps into your lap and says "HERE I AM MOTHAFUKCA, U MAD?"
                        Originally posted by idsnowdog
                        The medical name for viagra is mycoxafloppin.
                        Originally posted by TheLivingDead
                        Vaginal debris.



                        • #87
                          Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                          cool thread


                          • #88
                            Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                            ^ lol, thanks.

                            I just sprayed on another clear coat. warmed up the rattle can in some warm water before I started and it made the whole process MUCH easier. flowed out of the can much better and more even. I didn't get a single run for this pass.

                            Also a thought occurred to me: every time I've applied primer, paint, or clear coat, I've been either tipsy or high. :\

                            Lord, I hope it turns out ok.

                            Also, something else I just noticed: despite wearing a repirator and having good ventilation in my spray area, every time I spray, I tend to get a little woozy/extra high. That's probably not a good thing.

                            Kids, don't spray petrochemicals in enclosed spaces. It's not good for you. Get someone else to do it instead and then you can laugh maniacally as they suffer.

                            I made like 15 mistakes typing this message out. Thankfully, I'm a spelling nazi so I had to go back and fix each and every one of them, so you can't actually tell how f'd up I am right now.

                            Last edited by CTN; 02-22-2012, 06:19 PM.


                            • #89
                              Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                              Originally posted by ConvoysToNothingness View Post
                              Thankfully, I'm a spelling nazi so I had to go back and fix each and every one of them, so you can't actually tell how f'd up I am right now.

                              We should start a spelling Nazi clan. I'm the same way lol

                              Last edited by guitarkid4143; 02-22-2012, 07:35 PM. Reason: Quote code messed up
                              Originally posted by ImmortalSix
                              Sometimes something you think you didn't want jumps into your lap and says "HERE I AM MOTHAFUKCA, U MAD?"
                              Originally posted by idsnowdog
                              The medical name for viagra is mycoxafloppin.
                              Originally posted by TheLivingDead
                              Vaginal debris.



                              • #90
                                Re: The Jolly Roger - My strat build

                                No pics today. spent the evening wetsanding the body and headstock. Afer finishing that, I sprayed another layer of clear on the headstock. Haven't got enough left for the body, so I'll pick up another can tomorrow. I'm guessing this will be the last.

                                The body is sitting pretty at 600 grit right now but it's already starting to develop some mirror finish in the right light. Once I get it up to 2000 and then use the polishing compound it's gonna look sexay.

