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whats wrong with rocknroll?

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  • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

    Originally posted by screamingdaisy View Post
    Punk music isn't about musicianship, it's about songsmanship.
    Tell ya what...

    Put on
    Van Halen - Love Walks in.
    Europe - Rock The Night.
    Whitesnake - Here I Go Again.

    And tell me that those songs are all about guitar showing off?

    Mephis--> I agree with you 100%.


    • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

      Originally posted by ravendouglas View Post
      wow slash as a has been....................that hurts, but yea im not a velvet revolver fan either.but i always liked slash,to bad axel im a total idiot rose screwed that band up,well that and a slight substance abuse issue.
      Yeah well, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but the basic point was, the VR record kinda sucked. Even if slash can play rings around most.
      "I believe the truth is not told between 9 and 5." - Hunter S. Thompson


      • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

        OK so I went back and took out my Punk Rock handbook that came with Nevermind The Bollocks or just Nevermind. You only got yours with the Bollocks if you're old and washed up like me otherwise your Punk handbook came with the Nirvana album of similar title. Now the Pistols were the first band ever to have a manager apparently so they're a bunch of fakers but still the 3rd line in section C paragraph 5 says "Practice musical elitism at every opportunity. Never listen to music that might be different from your own. You might like it and that would really screw up all the silly things you believe in and hold so dear. Make sure to deflate and insult to show just how how bad everything else is."

        Yeah Nirvana had 3 albums near everything else was packaged to capitalize on their wild success or to sell the music of a dead man/band. Sad but true capitalism was all part of it. But really one of the best parts for me now is to know they loved old Blues, Sabbath, Alice Cooper, VU, KISS, Zeppelin, Meat Puppets, Bowie and Cheap Trick among a huge list of bands that would make most of his fans here cringe, ****ing wild no? I love how int he video during the Immigrant Song you see KISS Destroyer on top of the pile of albums they were listening to, really it doesn't get a lot better than that. Hey GnR could rip out Punk tunes with the best of 'em which makes alot of their fans here bug out, I love that just as much.

        Fender Punk you might consider rolling around in some horse**** down here with the rest of us and actually listen to the first VH album and find out how informed by the late 70's Cal Punk scene it was. They may never have matched that straightforward rawness or intensity again but that album kills.

        And you know I tend to think the cat that plays guitar for the Living End might give a crap or two about musicianship, just saying since he annihilates just about everyone I have heard around here play guitar and last I checked they were still a Punk band.

        I really am in awe of how close-minded most of you guys are coming off, it shocks me actually. You all need to take some classes in art, creative writing, maybe go to some small songwriting workshops and learn how to earnestly and honestly critique not only your own work but others as well. You come off like small town church ladies not musicians who fancy themselves authorities. Learn to be objective and somewhat more impartial when referring to other music, free your ass and your mind will follow or something like that.

        This matters I mean I really like almost all you guys and I'd hate to have to kill you Heehee
        Last edited by Wattage; 06-10-2007, 02:31 PM.
        My Bands -

        Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time


        • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

          Originally posted by Kyuss_Rock View Post
          Which I assure you is perfectly possible. Love AIC, who did it first and better, can't stand STP, who ripped off a winning formula, made a load of money, split up and then the singer came back and released another buch of crap with some other washed-up has beens.

          Well, thats my take on it anyhoo.
          "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain


          • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

            Originally posted by Wattage View Post
            Yeah Nirvana had 3 albums near everything else was packaged to capitalize on their wild success or to sell the music of a dead man/band. Sad but true capitalism was all part of it. But really one of the best parts for me now is to know they loved old Blues, Sabbath, Alice Cooper, VU, KISS, Zeppelin, Meat Puppets, Bowie and Cheap Trick among a huge list of bands that would make most of his fans here cringe, ****ing wild no?
            Not really, considering his biggest influence was john lennon.
            Carvin custom strat (P-Rails/hotrails/single - Tuned Eb) -> Pod XT - - 6505+ Halfstack


            • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

              Originally posted by Wattage View Post
              old Blues, Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Meat Puppets, Bowie and Cheap Trick
              I like all of those, not so much Cheap trick but I'm in awe of what a good song Surrender is. One of my faourite songs is I'm Afraid of Americans, a BOWIE song.

              Fender Punk you might consider rolling around in some horse**** down here with the rest of us and actually listen to the first VH album and find out how informed by the late 70's Cal Punk scene it was. They may never have matched that straightforward rawness or intensity again but that album kills.

              And you know I tend to think the cat that plays guitar for the Living End might give a crap or two about musicianship, just saying since he annihilates just about everyone I have heard around here play guitar and last I checked they were still a Punk band.
              I like the intensity. If I want to listen to punk that's intense and talented I throw on Anti-Flag (the #2 is one of the better bassists around these days), Dead Kennedys (as much of a backstabbing hypocrite East Bay Ray is, he plays mean guitar and DH Peligro is a great drummer, especially at the speed he plays), NOFX (you try writing an 18 minute song that's good from start to finish), Comeback Kid, Bad Brains, early Black Flag, The Stooges or Hold Up Your End. I listened to the first VH album, I didn't like it, I listened to Sex Pistols, I hated it, big deal, get over it.

              As for musicianship, I hate how guitar-centered hair metal is. I can name to you drummers, bassists, guitarists, lyricists and singers that are all well respected and talented in punk. I could do the same for "Nu-Metal" even to an extent for blues, but when hair metal was popular, everyone only wanted to be the lead guitarist, caused that's the only person anyone cared about. Punk is about songmanship first, you need to have a good cohesive unit, and good lyrics to have a good song.

              5 punk bassists:
              Klaus Fluoride
              Mike Dirnt
              Jerry Only
              Chris #2
              Fat Mike

              5 Punk drummers:
              DH Peligro
              Tre Cool
              Erik Sandin (Smelly)
              Marky Ramone

              5 Punk Guitarists:
              Dez Cadena
              Joe Strummer
              Pat Smear
              East Bay Ray

              Let's see the same for Hair metal.
              This matters I mean I really like almost all you guys and I'd hate to have to kill you Heehee
              Rockets? I get hit with those for a warm up before I go on stage!!
              "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain


              • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                Originally posted by Fender_Punk View Post
                I listened to the first VH album, I didn't like it, I listened to Sex Pistols, I hated it, big deal, get over it.
                So it's cool if I only listen to a few punk songs then pass them all off as crap?

                You're sitting around telling everyone how boring and crappy everything is outside of your very narrow window of musical taste. Put on a jazz or fusion album or something, though you'll probably try and tell me alan holdsworth sucks. Heck, get some frank zappa spinning, now there's musical elitism.
                Last edited by Mephis; 06-10-2007, 03:25 PM.
                Carvin custom strat (P-Rails/hotrails/single - Tuned Eb) -> Pod XT - - 6505+ Halfstack


                • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                  Originally posted by Mephis View Post
                  So it's cool if I only listen to a few punk songs then pass them all off as crap?

                  You're sitting around telling everyone how boring and crappy everything is outside of your very narrow window of musical taste. Put on a jazz or fusion album or something, though you'll probably try and tell me alan holdsworth sucks.
                  I don't like Jazz fusion, or really any jazz either, it doesn't do anything, but that doesn't mean I don't think jazz is any good. hair metal on the hand, I've given plenty of hair bands a go, VH, Kiss, Motley Crue, Poison, Ratt, Europe (I do like Final Countdown by them but that's it), Skid Row, GnR and I just don't like that stuff, because there isn't any substance. We've gone over this before, so let's not go in circles. If you like you're substance-free music and hearing people play sclaes and arpeggios (which is ALL Eugene's Trick Bag by Vai is) than go for it, don't let me stop you, I'm just giving my 2 cents.

                  BTW, just to let you know I have Alice Cooper on right now, and what's even better is my uncle Prakash John played on this album!!
                  "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain


                  • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                    You just called Guns and Roses a hair metal band, as well as SKID ROW!?

                    You really should look up the word substance in the dictionary because you don't have a clue what it is.
                    I don't think you have a clue what hair metal is either, other than an image.

                    And you're calling vai substance free? You sure you even know who he is? He's a modern day composer and virtuoso. If you knew musical theory, you might understand what he is doing. Lets hear you write a song and record it that has "substance" or at least more than all these people you're bashing. According to you it would be easy, since they don't have substance at all.
                    Last edited by Mephis; 06-10-2007, 03:43 PM.
                    Carvin custom strat (P-Rails/hotrails/single - Tuned Eb) -> Pod XT - - 6505+ Halfstack


                    • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                      Originally posted by Fender_Punk View Post

                      5 punk bassists:
                      Klaus Fluoride
                      Mike Dirnt
                      Jerry Only
                      Chris #2
                      Fat Mike

                      5 Punk drummers:
                      DH Peligro
                      Tre Cool
                      Erik Sandin (Smelly)
                      Marky Ramone

                      5 Punk Guitarists:
                      Dez Cadena
                      Joe Strummer
                      Pat Smear
                      East Bay Ray
                      I'll raise you George Hurley (one of the most remarkable drummers I've ever heard, next to Neil Peart), Mike Watt (need I say more), and Greg Ginn (somewhere between insanity and genious -- "do not pass go, go directly to jazz").
                      This machine kills fascists


                      • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                        Originally posted by MattPete View Post
                        I'll raise you George Hurley (one of the most remarkable drummers I've ever heard, next to Neil Peart), Mike Watt (need I say more), and Greg Ginn (somewhere between insanity and genious -- "do not pass go, go directly to jazz").
                        I'll match you and raise you 1 more with:
                        Dr. Chudd (best misfits drummer!)

                        Tim Turvey (was in a local punk band called Drunk n Anger, now does open jazz jams, if you were to hear him you'd be in awe).

                        Another local cat: Ryan Recine, check out THIS and you'll see why I put him down.

                        Travis Barker in his pre-emo days (pre-last Blink album).

                        This is kind of fun, should sort of be it's own thread
                        "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain


                        • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                          Originally posted by big_black View Post
                          This goes back to what I was saying earlier - Punk is an ethic, not a style of music.
                          "punk is a state of MIND, not music, it's not about having spiked hair and playing your guitar fast" - Mike Watt
                          This machine kills fascists


                          • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                            I can agree with everything in Wattage's last post.

                            Hell, one of the best tracks on VH was a punk cover.

                            I very much have a DIY ethic to the way I live, and the way I would like to create music, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying GnR, Van Halen or anything else that I think rocks.
                            "I believe the truth is not told between 9 and 5." - Hunter S. Thompson


                            • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                              In the olden days, if we desired something that didn't sound like Foghat we had to either do it ourselves or dig for it. You know, either grow it or at least work hard to harvest it. Now it is served via a drive-thru window on the way to Hot Topic. That's not a slam of the new generation but rather just a statement of reality as Frank Lee sees it. Ergo, the younger folk are going to see things differently. Of course, if Frank Lee can try to understand them they should try to understand those of use who appreciate the Pistols. But as Jesus once said: you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But you can't pick your friend's nose.

                              Let me give another shout to George Hurley, a drummer with few equals.

                              Thank you.


                              • Re: whats wrong with rocknroll?

                                But as ever, the good stuff is far beyond hot topic, and we still have to dig for it, or make it ourselves.
                                "I believe the truth is not told between 9 and 5." - Hunter S. Thompson

